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Discover signatures dashboard
Ferdinand avatar
Written by Ferdinand
Updated this week

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Save time by tracking and organizing your signature requests from the Signatures page. This dashboard allows you to view all signature requests and monitor the progress of signatures in real-time.

Understand the Dashboard

The Signatures page serves as the dashboard for your signature requests, where you can:

Users with Owner account access can view all signature requests in their organization. Admins can access all signature requests in their workspaces. Members can only access their own signature requests.

You can also:

Filter Signature requests

To filter signature requests, use and combine filters to navigate easily through your signature requests:

  • Go to the Signatures page

  • Click on the right blue "Filters" button

  • Select the filters you need

  • Click "Apply"

You can filter by:

  • Workspace by selecting one or more workspaces

  • Signature requests status: select one or more signature requests statuses

  • Signature requests creator: select one or more users from your organization (available only with Administrator or Owner access)

Your filters and searches are stored for 24 hours to facilitate navigation. If you encounter issues with your dashboard, check if any filters or searches are already applied.

You can also adjust filters by:

  • Clicking on the "X" next to the filter you want to remove

  • Clicking "Clear Filters"

  • Restarting your selection by clicking "Filters"

Exporting the Signature request List

To export the list of signature requests:

  • Click on "..." to the right of the Filters button

  • Click on "Export List to CSV"

The export considers the selected filters. If you want to download all signature requests, clear all filters before clicking the export button.

The export automatically downloads to your computer, including multiple columns:

  • Signature Request Id: Identification of the signature request

  • Signature Request Name: Name of the signature request

  • Workspace Name: Workspace name

  • Status: Status of the signature request

  • Labels: Labels of the signature request

  • Sender: Name of the signature request sender

  • Created At: Date of signature request creation

  • Sent At: Date of signature request sending

  • Expiration Date: Expiry date of the signature request

  • Approved At: Date of signature request approval

  • Rejected At: Date of signature request rejection

  • Number of Documents: Number of documents in the signature request

  • Signature Level: Signature level of the signature request

  • Declined At: Date of signature request decline

  • Completed At: Date when the signature request was completed

Quick Actions on signature requests

From the Signatures page, you can perform quick actions on your signature requests:

  • Add a signature request to your favorites by clicking the star next to the signature request name.

Note: Favorite signature requests are linked to a user account, not the company account.

Click on "..." and then:

You can also access the details of each signature request by clicking on the name of the signature request you are interested in.

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