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Track your subscription consumption
Ferdinand avatar
Written by Ferdinand
Updated over a week ago

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It is possible to track the consumption of signatures and electronic seals within your subscription over a defined period.

Consumption dashboard

To access the tracking of your signature consumption, signer identification, and/or the use of your electronic seals:

  • Access your settings by clicking on your initials at the bottom left of your application,

  • Click on the "Usage and Billing" page,

  • Click on the "Consumption" tab.

This tracking is available only for Plus, Pro, and Scale plans and is accessible only by Admins and the Account Owner.

On the consumption page, you can access information related to the usage of your subscription:

  • Choose a period between:

    • Today

    • Yesterday

    • 7 days

    • 1 month

    • or choose a custom period (by entering a start date and end date using the calendar),

  • If you are using the API, it is mandatory to choose the environment: either your sandbox or your production environment, to track consumption.

Understand Your Signature Consumption

Once you've selected the environment and period you're interested in, click on "Signature request" to track your signature consumption.

The count of signatures is based on the signers requested to sign, by signature level (simple, advanced, and qualified), and by product (sent from the application and/or sent from the API).

For example, if you have sent a signature request with two signers using Simple Electronic Signature and a third signer using Advanced Electronic Signature, you will have consumed:

  • 2 Simple Electronic Signatures

  • 1 Advanced Electronic Signature (in a single signature request).

The count is done upon sending the signature request for Simple and Advanced Electronic Signatures. The sequencing of signers, cancellation of the signature request, and refusal to sign have no impact on the number of signatures used.

To export a summary of your signature consumption during a given period, click on "Export Consumption (CSV)." A CSV file will be downloaded to your computer.

The export includes several columns:

  • signer_id: Signer identification

  • signer_email: Signer's email

  • signature_request_id: signature request identification

  • signature_request_name: Signature request's name

  • signature_level: Signer's chosen signature level

  • created_at: Date of sending the signature request

  • sender_id: Sender's identification

  • sender_email: Sender's email

  • source: Source of the signature request (application or API)

  • connector

  • authentication_key

  • api_key_description

  • external_id

The export is only an activity log of signatures during the sending of a signature request; documents sent for signature are not exported in this file.

Understand Your Signer Identification Consumption

Once you have selected the environment and the period of interest, click on "Signer Identification" to track your signer identification consumption. This part only concerns signature requests made with Qualified Electronic Signature.

You will find the number of:

  • Attempts to verify identity (performed by signers): the same signer can make multiple attempts. The count of attempts to verify identity is per signer for Qualified Electronic Signature multiplied by the number of identification attempts.

  • Use of digital identity (performed by signers): The count of digital identity is per signer who used the Yousign digital identity.

To export a summary of your signer identification consumption during a given period, click on "Export Consumption (CSV)." A CSV file will be downloaded to your computer.

The export includes several columns:

  • signer_id: Signer identification

  • signer_email: Signer's email

  • signature_request_id: Signature request identification

  • signature_request_name: Signature request name

  • signature_level: Signer's chosen signature level (only Qualified here)

  • signer_identification: Type of signer identification (identity verification without the use of digital identity or with)

  • identified_at: Date of identification

  • identification_status: Identification status (success or failure)

  • sender_id: Sender's identification

  • sender_email: Sender's email

  • authentication_key

  • api_key_description

  • external_id

The export is only an activity log of identifications during the sending of Signature requests with Qualified Electronic Signature; documents sent for signature are not exported in this file. It is not possible to download the number of identification attempts.

Understand Your Electronic Seal Consumption

Once you have selected the environment and the period of interest, click on "Electronic Seals" to track your seal consumption. This part only concerns your documents sealed via API. You will find the number of sealed documents:

  • With a simple electronic seal

  • With an advanced electronic seal

The count of electronic seals is per sealed document and by seal level.

To export a summary of your electronic seal consumption during a given period, click on "Export Consumption (CSV)." A CSV file will be downloaded to your computer.

The export includes several columns:

  • seal_id: Seal identification

  • document_id: Document identification

  • seal_level: Chosen seal level

  • created_at: Date of seal usage

  • source: Source (only API here)

  • external_id

  • certificate_id: Identification of the used seal

The export is only an activity log of used electronic seals; sealed documents are not exported in this file.

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