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Add read-only text fields
Ferdinand avatar
Written by Ferdinand
Updated over 8 months ago

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When signing your documents, it is sometimes necessary to complement them with additional data. To do this, easily add read-only text during the preparation of your signature requests, templates, and forms by following this guide.

Discover read-only texts

Read-only texts allow you to enhance your documents with additional information that you want to share with your recipients (approvers, signers, and followers), directly available on the document. Your recipients will not be able to edit or complete it.

Read-only texts are available on signature requests, templates, and forms for Free, One, Plus, Pro, and Scale subscriptions.

The difference with text input fields

If you want signers to fill in information (or copy text), use text input fields: learn how in this dedicated article.

Add a read-only text

When preparing your document, you can add read-only text. To do this:

  • Drag the read-only text field to where you want it to appear on each page of your document.

  • Enter the text you want to add to your documents.

  • Change the font by clicking on the arrow at the end of the "font" field and selecting your desired font.

  • Change the text size by clicking on the arrow at the end of the "size" field and choosing your desired text size. The sizes range from 8 to 22.

  • Change the text color by clicking on the black box and either selecting one of our pre selected colors or entering the color code of your desired color next to the "#".

  • Choose the font style of your text. To put it in Bold, select "B", to put it in italic, select "I".

  • Click "Save."

The default font is "Inconsolata", the text size is 12 and the text color is black. You can save any formatting as a default in your Settings.

A read-only text is limited to the size of one page of your document (no specific character limit). You can add multiple ones without any limits.

Edit a read-only text

How to move and resize a read-only text

Once the read-only text field is dragged onto your document, you can move it to the desired location on your pages with a simple drag-and-drop.

You can also resize the read-only text field by:

  • Hovering over the field you want to resize with your mouse.

  • Clicking on the border of the field you want to enlarge/resize.

  • Holding to adjust the border to the size you want.

To know more about field management, check out our dedicated article.

Edit and remove a read-only text

If you want to delete or modify a read-only text, simply hover over the field with your mouse to access these options:

  • Click on the pencil icon ✏️ to edit the field (i.e., modify the text) and then click "save" once your changes are made.

  • Click on the trash can icon 🗑️ to delete the field, or click on the field and press the ⬅️ back key on your keyboard.

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