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Manage document fields
Ferdinand avatar
Written by Ferdinand
Updated over 8 months ago

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Discover fields

With Yousign, you can prepare your documents for signature in seconds. Easily drag and drop the fields in your document.

Prepare your document by adding signers, and then drag and drop their fields (signature, text-input etc.) directly into your documents. Fields are automatically linked to the selected signer to save you time.

Preparing documents has never been faster!

Discover drag-and-drop

Step 1: Add signers

To add signers to your document:

  • Click on "Add a signer" on the right sidebar or on the "+" button next to the signers' tab.

  • Select a signer or create a new one

Signature, text input, mention, checkbox, and radio button fields appear on the right sidebar.

  • Repeat those actions to add more than one signer (if needed)

Step 1: Add signers

Step 2: Drag fields in your document

To add fields to your documents:

  • Drag fields related to the correct signer in your document

  • Drag read-only text and/or initials from the top of the right sidebar

Step 2: Drag fields in your document

Signature, text input, mention, checkbox and radio button fields are automatically linked to the selected signers to save you time.

  • If you don't see the fields, click on the ▼ at the right of the signer's name to add fields.

Step 3: Copy / paste and duplicate fields

Once you have added your fields to your document, you can duplicate and copy / paste single or multiple fields on to your document. This allows you to speed up your signature request preparation, especially if you need to replicate fields across multiple pages of the same document, or across multiple documents.

Copy and paste fields

You can copy and paste individual or multiple fields. To do so:

  • Right click on the field you wish to copy.

  • If you wish to copy multiple fields at once, select them by holding down the mouse button, and dragging over the fields.

  • Click on "Copy field".

  • Scroll to the area you wish to paste your field(s).

  • Right click the screen.

  • Click on "Paste field".

Pro tip: You can easily copy a field by clicking on the field, then press on ⌘+C or Ctrl+C on your keyboard, and paste the field by clicking on ⌘+V or Ctrl+V.

It is not possible to paste signer fields on attachement documents.

Duplicate fields

Duplicating a field will automatically reproduce the same field in the same place on your document in a single click. You can duplicate individual or multiple fields. To do so:

  • Right click on the field you wish to duplicate.

  • If you wish to duplicate multiple fields at once, select them by holding down the mouse button, and dragging over the fields.

  • Click on "Duplicate field".

  • The field will automatically be duplicated.

  • Move the field to the desired location.

Pro tip: You can easily duplicate a field by clicking on the field, then press on ⌘+D or Ctrl+D on your keyboard

To duplicate multiple fields, you must use the shortcut ⌘+D or Ctrl+D on your keyboard.

Step 4: Move fields

Once you've dropped your fields onto your document, you can move them one by one or simultaneously.

To move a single field:

  • Click and hold on the field you wish to move,

  • Drag the field to the desired location.

To move several fields simultaneously:

  • Select the fields you wish to move simultaneously,

  • Click and hold on one of the selected fields,

  • Drag the fields to the desired location.

Step 3: Move fields

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