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Add radio buttons
Ferdinand avatar
Written by Ferdinand
Updated over 8 months ago

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When preparing your documents, it is sometimes necessary to ask the signer to check a box to ensure the validation of information before signing it. To do this, easily add radio button fields to your signature requests, templates, and forms by following this guide.

Discover radio buttons

Radio buttons allow you to display multiple options to your signers with an exclusive choice.

By adding radio buttons, your signers will need to select a maximum of one choice from several options before signing. For example, if radio button 1 is selected, then radio button 2 cannot be selected, and so on.

Radio buttons are available on signature requests, templates, and forms for One, Plus, Pro, and Scale subscriptions.

Difference from checkboxes

With radio buttons, the signer can select only one option from several, unlike checkboxes that allow the signer to choose multiple options or have only one choice (checked or unchecked).

Use radio buttons to:

  • Ask the signer to make a unique (exclusive) choice among several options, such as asking for their payment method:

    • [Radio button field] Credit card

    • [Radio button field] SEPA Direct Debit

    • [[Radio button field] Check

But use checkboxes if you want to:

  • Validate information for the signer. For example, to confirm the reading and acceptance of your terms and conditions:

    • [Checkbox field - mandatory] I have read and accept the terms and conditions of sale.

  • Allow a choice between multiple combinable options (the ability to select all or none). For example:

    • [Checkbox field] I want to subscribe to newsletter X

    • [Checkbox field] I want to subscribe to newsletter Y

    • [Checkbox field] I want to receive information about Z

Add radio buttons

When preparing your document, you can add radio buttons. To do this:

  • Add a signer by clicking "Add a signer."

  • Enter their information or select them from your contact list.

  • Drag the radio button field to where you want it to appear on your document.

  • Adjust the number of radio buttons you want (from 2 to a maximum of 20) by clicking on the "+".

  • If necessary, you can make the option to check a radio button mandatory by activating the "Required" option.

Don't worry; the signer will be well informed about the obligation to make a unique choice among the different options.

You can add multiple radio button fields per signer. Repeat these actions if you need to add other radio buttons for other signers.

By adding radio buttons to your documents, you are only adding the radio buttons themselves; this does not include the text displayed to the right of each radio button. If you haven't added the text before importing your document, you can create it by adding "Read-only Text" fields.

Edit radio buttons

Move and resize radio buttons

Once the radio button field is dragged onto your document, you can move it to wherever you want on your documents with a simple drag-and-drop.

You can space the radio buttons apart from each other; to do this:

  • Hover over the radio button you want to move with your mouse.

  • Once the hand icon 🤚 appears, click.

  • Hold to move the radio button where you want it on your document.

You can also resize the radio buttons (individually only); to do this:

  • Hover over the radio button you want to resize with your mouse.

  • Click on the border of the radio button you want to enlarge/shrink.

  • Hold to adjust the border to the size you want.

Edit and remove radio buttons

If you want to remove or edit it, simply hover over the field with your mouse to access these options:

  • Click on the pen icon ✏️ to modify the field (either to adjust the number of choices or activate/deactivate the "required" option) and click "save" once your modifications are done.

  • Click on the trash can icon 🗑️ to delete the field, or click on the field and press the ⬅️ back key on your keyboard.

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