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Roles and accesses
Ferdinand avatar
Written by Ferdinand
Updated over 8 months ago

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Discover Roles

There are three different roles on Yousign:

Roles are available in Plus, Pro, and Scale subscriptions.

The role defines what the user can or cannot do on Yousign; each role has different permissions:

  • The price of an additional license does not vary based on the user's role using the license. To invite a user, follow this guide.

  • The owner and admins can modify the roles of users at any time. To change a user's role, follow this guide.

The owner is by default the person who creates the organization's account; there can only be one owner per organization. If you wish to change it, the current owner can modify their email address in their profile to transfer the account to another person (see how here). If the person you want to transfer rights to already has a Yousign account, contact our team here.

Understand Permissions




Signature requests

Create and manage all organization signature requests

Create and manage all signature requests in their workspaces

Create and manage only their signature requests


Create and use all organization forms

Create and use all forms in their workspaces

Create and use all forms in their workspaces


Create and use

Create and use

Create, use and edit their templates


Create and manage all organization contacts

Create and manage all contacts shared with the organization and its workspaces

Create and manage all contacts shared with the organization and its workspaces

Organization settings

Manage organization settings

Manage organization settings


Organization Users

Invite, edit, and remove users

Invite, edit, and remove users in their workspaces



Create and manage all workspaces

Only manage users in their workspaces



Manage subscription and licenses count



The user's role is the same in all workspaces they are added to.

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