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Download signed documents
Ferdinand avatar
Written by Ferdinand
Updated over a week ago

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Once the signature request is completed (meaning all signers have signed the documents), you can download the signed documents.

It is also possible to download the documents of a signature request in the "In progress" status; depending on the progress of the signatures, the documents may be unsigned or partially signed.

You can download the documents:

  • Directly from the Signatures page in two clicks

  • From the detailed request page

  • From the Documents page (only accessible to users with One, Plus, Pro, and Scale subscriptions)

It is not possible to download signed documents in bulk.

Download from the Signatures page

To download the signed documents from the Signature page:

  • Go to the Signature page,

  • Find the signature request you are interested in with the "Completed" status,

  • Click on the "..." on the right of the signature request name,

  • Click on "Download Documents."

The documents will be automatically downloaded to your computer:

  • If your signature request contains a single document, the document will be downloaded in PDF format with the addition of "(signed)" to the PDF name.

  • If your signature request contains more than one document (including attachments), the documents will be downloaded in zip format with the addition of "(signed)" to the zip name.

Download from the detailed request page

To download the documents from the signature request details page:

  • Go to the Signature page,

  • Find the signature request you are interested in,

  • Click on the signature request name to access the detailed page,

  • For a completed signature request, click on the green "Download Documents" button.

  • For an "In progress" signature request, click on the "..." at the top right, then click on "Download Documents."

The documents will be automatically downloaded to your computer:

  • If your signature request contains a single document, the document will be downloaded in PDF format.

  • If your signature request contains more than one document (including attachments), the documents will be downloaded in zip format.

For a completed signature request, "(signed)" will be appended to the document or zip name.

Download from the Documents page

The Documents page is only available on One, Plus, Pro, and Scale subscriptions.

It is also possible to download your signed documents from the Documents page. The documents listed on this page are only your signed documents (not partially signed):

  • Go to the Documents page,

  • Find the document you are interested in in the search bar (search by the document name or signer name and not the signature request),

  • Click on the ⬇️ icon on the right to download the document.

The document will be automatically downloaded to your computer in PDF format, with "(signed)" appended to the document name.

From the Documents page, each signed document will be listed individually even if they are from the same signature request. Attachments will not be included in the download

Other cases

It is possible to download documents from the trash; follow this guide to find out how.

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