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Explore Member settings
Ferdinand avatar
Written by Ferdinand
Updated over a week ago

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Yousign offers three different roles for users with different permissions and accesses:

The account Owner oversees the whole organization, whereas admins oversee workspaces. Members are only responsible for their account.

To know more about different roles and accesses, see our dedicated article.

Manage your own signature requests

As a member, you can :

  • Send,

  • Track signature requests

You can not track the signature requests of other Yousign users, you can only manage your own signature requests.

Manage the contact list

As a member, you can manage the contacts list of your organization :

  • You can create,

  • You can modify,

  • You can delete contacts of your organization.

Manage Templates & Forms

As a member you can :

  • Create, use, and edit your Templates.

    • You can create templates, they will be available for other users of your account

    • You can use the templates created by other users from your account

  • Create and use all Forms in your workspaces.

    • You can create Forms, they will be available for other users of your account

    • You can use Forms created by other users from your account

If you need to track signature requests from other users, you need to have admin rights. To do so, please contact the owner or admin of your Yousign account to give you admin access.

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