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Share a Form
Ferdinand avatar
Written by Ferdinand
Updated over 5 months ago

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In the Forms page, you can access the forms that you and your team have created.

The owner, administrators and members of your organization can create and modify forms.

On the form row you want to use, click on the “Share” button to fill it out or invite other people to complete it. A form can only be used if it is in 'Active' status and varies depending on the chosen settings:

  • If the form is for a single respondent

  • If the form is for multiple respondents

Share a single-respondent form

A single-respondent form is a form that allows only one person to fill in all the necessary information to edit the document. It is indicated as a single respondent on the Forms page, as follows:

  • If you want to fill it out yourself, click on “” then on “Fill out form”,

  • If you want to invite the respondent to fill out the form, click on “Share” on the form row you want to use, here you can invite the respondent to fill out the form by email or share the form link with them.

    • If you invite the respondent by email, they will automatically receive an email inviting them to complete the form.

    • If you share the link with the respondent, they will have direct access to the form and can fill it out. You can make the link available on your website, or convert it into a QR code if necessary.

Note: In the case of a private form, this person will first have to authenticate on Yousign to access it, whether you share the form with them by email or via a link.

Once the form is completed by the respondent, your document is automatically generated and ready to be signed!

Share a multi-respondent form

A multi-respondent form is a form that allows you to collect information from multiple people to automatically fill in the necessary data for document editing.

To have a multi-respondent form completed:

  • Go to the Forms page

  • Click on “Share” on the form row you want to use,

  • Enter the email address(es) if necessary (in case one of the signers differs from one generated document to another),

  • Click on “Share”, the respondents will then automatically receive an email inviting them to complete their respective forms,

  • You will then be redirected to a signature request in the status "data collection in progress" to follow the progress of the data collection and if necessary, to remind the different respondents.

Finally, to retrieve all the multi-respondent forms shared:

  • Go to the Forms page.

  • Click on the row of the form you want to follow.

  • You will then have the list of the forms shared.

  • If you'd like to see more details about a shared form, click on the relevant form you'd like to view.

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