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With Bulk Signature, you can save time by signing pending signature requests all at once. Follow this article to discover Bulk Signature and find out when and how to use it!
Discover Bulk Signature
Bulk Signature allows you to sign all of your pending requests simultaneously within Yousign. This allows you to save time and avoid signing requests one by one.
These signature requests could be:
Your own, initiated by you.
Initiated by someone else and sent to your Yousign login address.
Bulk Signature is available for the Pro and Scale plans.
When to use Bulk Signature
Bulk Signature can be used when you have Signature Requests waiting to be signed by you that are simple e-signatures and all have the same authentication method. This means:
Advanced and Qualified signature levels (AES & QES) are not available for signature in the Inbox, you can only use Bulk Signature on requests created using the simple eSignature level.
To know more about signature levels, see this article.
You can only use Bulk Signature on signature requests with the same authentication method, you can't mix a Signature request without an authentication code and a Signature request with an authentication code by SMS.
You will not be able to select another signature request to sign if it doesn't have the same authentication method as the first.
To know more about authentication levels, see our dedicated article.
How to use Bulk Signature
To sign pending requests using Bulk Signature:
Go to your Inbox.
Search, select or bulk-select signature requests you would like to sign.
Review your documents.
Fill in any mandatory fields that may need completing before signing:
A text field.
A checkbox.
Radio buttons.
Click on the “Sign“ button.
If the signature requests you are signing require an authentication code, enter the 6-digit code you received by email or SMS.
Sign the documents simultaneously by sliding your mouse across the signature field or by holding “enter” on your keyboard.
All the pending signature requests you selected will be signed.
It is not possible to Bulk Sign Signature Requests with the "Draw my signature" feature, you must use the pre-configured signature Yousign proposes.
To review and download Bulk Signed Signature Requests:
Click on the "Completed" section in your Inbox.
Search and/or click on the signed signature request you would like to review.
Scroll down to review the documents.
Click on "Download document" at the bottom right of the screen.
Click on "See more" to go to the Signature Requests details page.