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Use your HubSpot contacts with Yousign
Ferdinand avatar
Written by Ferdinand
Updated over 7 months ago

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You can connect your HubSpot account to your Yousign account: you’ll be able to use your HubSpot contacts in your signature requests, templates, and forms, to add them as signers, approvers, or followers in one click.

Discover HubSpot contacts connector

HubSpot contact connector allows you to leverage directly in Yousign all your HubSpot contacts to save time when creating your signature requests. You don’t have to copy and paste all your contact information: if they are available on HubSpot, everything is accessible directly in Yousign.

Your HubSpot contacts data are not stored in Yousign: Yousign leverages contacts for signature requests, templates, and forms creation, these contacts are not stored in Yousign's contacts book.

Connect HubSpot to Yousign

Every user of your organization can connect HubSpot to Yousign (owner, admin or member):

  • Click on “Connect” beside the HubSpot frame: you will be redirected to HubSpot.

  • Select the HubSpot account you want to connect with Yousign (you may have to log back on HubSpot).

  • Confirm your choice by clicking on “Select an account”.

  • Close the confirmation modal.

  • You can now leverage all your Hubspot contacts while adding a signer!

You can connect HubSpot to Yousign only if you have a HubSpot account with admin rights. Your HubSpot email account doesn’t need to be the same as your Yousign account email.

You can at any time disconnect your HubSpot account, and discover how.

Use your HubSpot contacts in Yousign

Once your HubSpot Connector is live, you will be able to leverage all your HubSpot contacts when adding a signer, an approver, or even a follower to a signature request, a template, or a form.

Important: all users from your organization will have access to your HubSpot contacts, with no possible differentiation by role or workspace.

Add a HubSpot contact as a signer

Creating a signature request with your HubSpot contacts follows the same creation process as a signature request, with some differences.

When preparing your document, you will need to follow the additional conditions:

  • Click on “Add a Signer”.

  • Select “HubSpot”.

  • Search your HubSpot contact: draft at least 3 characters of the contact email.

Searching by first name or last name is not supported (only email).

  • Select it (you will see the logo of HubSpot at the right of the name).

  • Change any information you need (it will not impact the information in HubSpot) :

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Email

    • Phone

    • Language

  • If needed, save the contact in your contact book.

  • Click on “Add signer”.

  • Drag and drop the fields you need on your documents.

As always you can add up to 100 signers per signature request (from HubSpot, or your contact book, or a mix!)

Add a HubSpot contact as an approver

Adding an approver with your HubSpot contacts follows the same creation flow as a "classic” approver, with some differences.

When preparing your document, you will need to follow the additional conditions to add a HubSpot contact as an approver:

  • Click on “Add an Approver”.

  • Select “HubSpot”.

  • Search your HubSpot contact: draft at least 3 characters of the contact email.

Searching by first name or last name is not supported (only email).

  • Select it (you will see the logo of HubSpot at the right of the name).

  • Change any information you need (it will not impact the information in HubSpot) :

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Email

    • Phone

    • Language

  • If needed, save the contact in your contact book.

  • Click on “Add approver”.

As always you can add up to 10 approvers per signature request (from HubSpot, or your contact book, or a mix!)

Add a HubSpot contact as a follower

When setting up your signature requests, templates or forms, you will need to follow the additional conditions to add a HubSpot contact as a follower:

  • Go to the Followers section.

  • Select “HubSpot”.

  • Search your HubSpot contact: draft at least 3 characters of the contact email.

Searching by first name or last name is not supported (only email).

  • Select it (you will see the logo of HubSpot at the right of the name)

As always you can add up to 100 followers per signature request (from HubSpot, or your contact book, or a mix!)

Disconnect HubSpot contacts connector

You can disconnect HubSpot Connectors at any time (even if you don’t have a HubSpot account) :

  • Go to the Connectors Page.

  • Click on “Disconnect” beside the HubSpot frame.

  • Confirm that you want to disconnect your HubSpot account.

Disabling the contacts connector revokes access for everyone in your organization.

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